COR and More Auditing
As IHSA approved COR Associate Auditors, we have the expertise and tools to perform highly detailed system audits. Once we've documented any and all non-conformances, we will work with your leadership team to develop the appropriate Corrective Actions to start you along the path to Continual Improvement.
If you are just beginning your journey to a certification, our team can also perform full system and surveillance audits. These audits can be then be used as a baseline assessment for your organization's Health & Safety performance and start you along the path to Health & Safety excellence.

Hazard & Risk Assessment
Using our years of combined experience in both the manufacturing and construction sectors, our team will perform Hazard & Risk Assessments on your equipment, processes and how your people interact with both. We take all OHS factors into consideration, using qualitative and quantitative methods and threshold levels that are easy for your entire team to understand and action.
Once you're comfortable with the Hazard & Risk Assessments, its time to talk Safe Work Practices and Procedures. We compare your company's specific Hazard & Risk Assessments with regulatory requirements, standards, and industry best practices to develop Safe Work Practices and Procedures that are easy to understand and keep your people safe.
We have the process engineering expertise to help you optimize your Health & Safety policies, processes and procedures, including the development of industry standard BPMN Process Map Flowcharts.
Whether you're looking to achieve certification of your Health & Safety Program, or increase efficiency, quality and communication with your staff, process mapping is a critical factor in safety compliance.

Jobsite Inspections
Our team of construction safety experts will perform on-site safety inspections to make sure your projects are running safely and efficiently. Whether it's for the full duration of the project or just periodic inspections you need, we're here to make sure your site is compliant and your supervisors are well-equipped to make decisions guided by your safety culture.

Emergency Response Plans & Evacuation Drills
We can do everything from developing your Emergency Response Plan to meet all required legislation and codes, to conducting planned evacuation drills and presenting you with a Summary Report on our findings and recommendations for improvement.
Whether it's your main office, fabrication shop, or individual jobsites - our team of experts can sure you're meeting all legislative requirements and keeping your team safe.

Administrative Support
Hiring a fully trained Health & Safety Specialist or Coordinator can be a lengthy and expensive process. We can offer your company cost effective solutions for your OHS administrative needs. Our team at GSS can set up and organize your OHS system, offer part-time staffing solutions, and train your current supervisors and admin staff on how to be more effective using your OHS system.

Health & Safety Management Systems
No matter the sector or industry you work in, our team can develop everything from a single policy to a complete Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) program. This will not only make you compliant to legislative requirements, but also help you to work towards your goal of being successful in programs such as Ministry of Labour (MOL) Accreditation, WSIB Excellence, Certificate of Recognition (COR) or ISO 45001.
Once we've developed your program, our experts will work with your leadership team to coach them to be successful implementers and leaders of your new Health & Safety Management System.

When you are looking for safety training, whether it is for highly targeted topics or part of a comprehensive program, our guess is that you don't want to be sitting in a classroom listening to endless theory and wasting time on exercises that don't reflect your professional reality or address your needs. You do want:
A highly immersive, experiential, challenging session, where you not only learn from highly respected people leaders and educators, but from your peers who are also attending, with the opportunity for you to share your wisdom and experience;
An unrelenting focus on real life application to the leadership challenges you face every single day, in real projects, with real stakeholders, customers, clients and your people;
Models, frameworks, tool kits, and processes that you actually get to practice for value during the session, and ample opportunity for in-session coaching, so that you can return to work ready to apply them the very next day;
Follow up and follow through with your instructor and new network of professionals, with ongoing access to webinars, ask the expert online sessions with industry leading guest speakers, online team spaces for sharing, and the ability to bring your instructor back as coach/mentor to work with you and your team in real situations.

Incident Investigations
Have you had a serious or critical injury and aren't sure what comes next? Gemba Group Solutions will come to your location and conduct a thorough investigation using the appropriate investigative methods to determine any and all root causes, then help you develop corrective actions to prevent another occurrence.

Safety Coordinator and Supervisor Coaching
Have you recently promoted or hired a new supervisor or safety coordinator? Our team at GSS will work with you to onboard and mentor new supervisors and safety coordinators to become familiar with working inside of your safety management system and company values. Our staff will be available for virtual and in-person mentoring sessions, as well as on-call service in case any after hours issues come that require some immediate attention.
We will make it our mission to ensure that your new staff member has all of the right resources to help you keep your workers safe and cultivate a positive safety culture.

Student Speaking Engagements & Training
Entering the workforce can be an intimidating process for even the best prepared. We offer customized speaking opportunities to teach new & young workers preparing to enter the workforce about their rights and responsibilities, expectations that they and their employers will have, hazard & risk identification, and the importance of establishing and maintaining a healthy work/life balance as they begin this exciting first step in their future careers. Accompanied with this session, participants will be given relevant reference materials and access to our team via their school liaison for any OHS questions they may have.
Built as a generic introduction to workplace health & safety awareness course, this can be customized to suit specific sectors such as manufacturing, construction, office, retail, and many others.